Terms & conditions

These General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) of Skyguide, swiss air navigation services ltd, route de pré-bois 15 -17, case postale 796, CH – 1215 Genève 15 (“Skyguide”), apply to all Agreements treating the sale and/or delivery of any goods, data or services (the deliverables) to the Customer, a company or person(s).

Customer’s terms and conditions only apply if expressively accepted by Skyguide in writing.

Changes and/or Amendments to these GTC must be outlined in the Agreement.

The most current version of these GTC can be downloaded on this page.



Route de Pré-Bois 15-17
P.O. Box 796
1215 Genève 15
Phone: +41 22 417 41 11
Fax: +41 22 417 45 47

Internet: www.skyguide.ch
E-mail: info(at)skyguide.ch
Board Director: Aldo C. Schellenberg
CEO : Alex Bristol
Media Relations: Vladi Barrosa
Competent authority: Swiss confederation