Customers & partners

Driving the priorities of our operational and technical programmes

Customers & partners

Skyguide is a crucial link in the overall aviation value chain, which includes aircraft manufacturers, civil and military aircraft operators and airports.

Our mission is to constantly improve the performance of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) services we offer. Collaboration with partners and customers is a crucial part of this process.

Together, we define and coordinate ATM priorities and timescales in our services and the technologies we use. Recent technical and operational innovations – such as our pioneering Virtual Centre programme or the integration of drones into the airspace – are driven by the needs of our customers and partners.

We believe that an integrated aviation value chain is vital to developing new collaborative ATM services in a seamless European airspace.

Our main customers are airlines. One of our closest partner is the Swiss Air Force, for whom we provide air navigation services at military aerodromes and air defence services in Swiss airspace. We further have a key role in providing ATM services to the general aviation community, a large and buoyant sector in Switzerland, and to special flight operations, including unmanned aircraft (drones). 

We work in close partnership with airport colleagues, both at the international hubs of Geneva and Zurich and smaller regional airports.

We provide essential Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) advice to pilots on issues such as airspace restrictions, the weather, changes to the status of aviation infrastructure, military area activities and other safety-critical areas.

Our customers and partners form the core of our economic model. Around 80% of Skyguide’s revenue is generated by regulated overflight and approach fees. The remaining revenue is earned from services provided to the Swiss Air Force, to regional airports and from non-regulated commercial activities. Watch the video to learn more about our economic model:

Virtual Centre