Skyguide provides Assessment Services for CNS Safeguarding, Coverage & Performance and GNSS.

Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems make use of radio waves to transmit signals to or receive from aircrafts. In order to ensure a good quality of the provided CNS services, it is important to guarantee a sufficient signal strength in the area of interest. Furthermore, signal interferences caused by terrain, obstacles, or other radio systems must be limited to an acceptable level. Being an ANSP who operates CNS systems and creates Instrument Flight Procedures in a complex airspace, Skyguide is familiar with many of the accompanying challenges.

Electromagnetic simulation assessment is a fast and cost-effective tool for the coverage and performance assessment of CNS signals. Furthermore it allows to predict signal interferences created by nearby obstacles (e. g. buildings, cranes, wind turbines) or other radio systems. This helps to reduce the risk, the duration, and the cost of projects such as the commissioning of new CNS sites, the introduction of new Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP) or the construction of buildings in the neighborhood of CNS sites.  Interference assessments also prevent unforeseen shutdowns and costly adaptation measures during the operation phase. Finally, it eases the cohabitation with other stakeholders because CNS assessments provide more flexibility to resolve potential conflicts.

Skyguide has a strong competence in the simulation assessment of CNS signals as well as in the field of satellite-based navigation systems, where we have been active since the beginning of its use in aviation.

Product Portfolio

We offer Assessment Services in the field of CNS Safeguarding, CNS Coverage & Performance, Satellite based Navigation Systems and general Electromagnetic Simulations.

CNS Safeguarding comprises all assessments aiming to protect CNS systems from unacceptable interferences. These can be caused by reflections from obstacles (e. g. buildings, cranes, wind turbines) or other radio systems. A simulation assessment allows to predict the amount of interference with a high accuracy before the obstacle or a radio system is put in place.

CNS Coverage & Performance assessments allow to predict the signal strength and system performance of a CNS service in its area of interest. This is needed when new sites are chosen but also when new Instrument Flight Procedures are put in place.

GNSS Simulation assessments are needed to verify if the signal performance of satellite-based navigation systems is sufficient for new instrument flight procedures.

In the category of General Electromagnetic Simulation, we offer a wide category of assessments such as the calculation of radar reflectivity of an object or optimizations for antenna placement.

Assessments tailored to your needs

If you have a need for a CNS Assessment do not hesitate to get in contact with us. Together we can then elaborate the scope and the deliverables that meet your need.


Visit the Skyguide booth (#1220) at the World ATM Congress from the 26th to 28th October 2021 in Madrid for more insights about this tool. For a meeting appointment contact us via