CPDLC Cockpit

The masterpiece of future data communication

The CPDLC Cockpit enables the user to easily monitor and identify the CPDLC Service quality in real-time thanks to a powerful search engine and customisable dashboards.

The CPDLC Cockpit developed by Skyguide together with its partner Airtel-ATN, is a web-based real-time monitoring solution which provides unprecedented capabilities to monitor the CPDLC service quality in real-time thanks to a user-friendly and powerful search engine and customizable dashboards. Built on a single cloud-platform shared by all participating data providers and developed on an open infrastructure, the CPDLC Cockpit uses cutting-edge technology!

In the last month the technicians and developers of Skyguide have continuously updated the solution. Today we are happy to present you these new features below.


Visit the Skyguide booth (#1220) at the World ATM Congress from the 26th to 28th October 2021 in Madrid for more insights about this innovative solution and its new features. For a meeting appointment contact us via


CPDLC Cockpit – the new features

In the following we present you the new features of the CPDLC Cockpit.

  • Support for ASTERIX Categories 021 & 062

ANSP’s own surveillance data can be accommodated thanks to an ASTERIX Category 021 or 062 adapter forwarding the data to the CPDLC cockpit.

  • Interactive maps showing surveillance tracks + TP4 and CPDLC messages

The new map allows to display relevant information simply by hovering the wished place (window content is fully configurable).

  • Active Sessions Counter

The system displays the amount of active CPDLC sessions at the time of the measurement (can be provided per ACC, airline, avionic type).

  • VGS ATN capability monitoring

The gauge allows to detect CPDLC QoS degradation due to VGS with ATN connectivity issues. This indicator turns red if major ATN degradation are identified (due to VGS or AGR issue at CSP level).

  • CVME monitoring

Relying on the counting of ‘Ground Requested Air-Initiated Hand-Off’ (GRAIHO) and ‘Ground Initiated Hand-Off’ (GIHO) messages, the graphics allow to identify major CVME issue (see graph below).

  • List of aircraft with timestamp problem

Aircraft with timestamp problems are listed, allowing to report to the Network Manager or to the airline for correction.

  • List of aircraft with uncalibrated VDR

Uncalibrated VDRs imply poor VDL2 performance and increased CPDLC issues (slow communication, delayed delivery of messages, provider aborts).

  • Monitoring of VDL2 stations

VDL2 stations which process too few traffic are highlighted for further analysis and reporting to CSPs.

  • Identification of new VDL2 stations

New VDL2 stations used by aircraft in your FIR are identified as soon as they are put into operation by CSPs (typically in adjacent countries).