Become a Guardian of the Sky

As an air traffic controller, you will help keep the skies safe every day.


Months of paid training


Age limit


CHF salary in the 2nd year


Type of course


Course start


Course language

ATCO training at a glance

Air traffic controllers give landing and take-off clearances, monitor departures on their radar, guide aircraft on their route and coordinate all air traffic movements. They have an exciting job with a lot of responsibility. If you’re considering a career as an ATCO, here’s a quick overview of what the training entails:

  • No prior knowledge of aviation needed
  • Paid training for a period of around 30 months, depending on the license and deployment location
  • After you pass the selection process, you will be given a training contract
  • Practice-based training
  • Internationally valid license
  • Courses always start in September. Please apply as soon as possible.

Meet the trainees

Listen to the trainees share insights about the training programme and the excitement of becoming an Air Traffic Controller.

The most important information & FAQ

Information events

Learn more about the exciting profession of ATCO

Application documents

Before you log into our application portal, make sure that you have all these documents available in digital form:

  • Passport photo
  • ID card/passport and, if necessary, Swiss residence permit
  • Most recent school reports (apprenticeship or upper secondary school)
  • Baccalaureate, school-leaving examination or apprenticeship certificates plus employers’ references (if available)
  • Cover letter (1 page)
  • In your cover letter, please tell us which site you would prefer to work at. You can list several sites, ideally in order of preference. We will discuss your definitive site assignment with you during the recruitment process.
    » View locations
  • CV
  • “Preliminary Eye Test”


Applicants must be a maximum of 28 years old at the start of the course.

Multi-stage selection process

Apply now! For the course starting in September of this year, we are accepting applications now. Apprenticeships are in high demand and the selection process can take several weeks. Early application is therefore recommended. If a course is full, applications for the next one are accepted continuously. Learn more about the aptitude tests.

Start 15 min.

Applicants must be a maximum of 28 years old at the start of the course.

Stage 1  3 hours

aptitude tests

Computer-based cognitive performance tests

Stage 2 3 hours

aptitude tests

Computer-based work sample tests, personality test

Stage 3 1 hours

English test

Communication and comprehension (oral, online)

Stage 4  1.75 days

aptitude test

2 hours: Individual exercise and interview
1½ days: Selection Camp

Stage 5  1/2 day

Insight into operations

Shadowing an ATCO

Stage 6 1 hours

Medical Examination

At an aeromedical institute


Trainee contract

After passing the entire
selection process

1    The aptitude tests are also known as FEAST (First European Air Traffic Controller Selection Test).



Ready to take off?

Start the application process now.


Have questions about the recruitment? Send us an email or reach out via WhatsApp (Monday to Friday). To schedule a call, email us your availability.
+41 76 606 06 22