Alex Bristol officially takes over as CEO of skyguide

On Saturday 1 July, Alex Bristol officially took over the management of skyguide as Chief Executive Officer. On the previous day, the outgoing CEO, Daniel Weder, symbolically handed him the keys to skyguide in the area control centre in Wangen near Dübendorf. Weder had led skyguide for 10 years and now retires after 35 years of career in aviation.

During this act, Alex Bristol also received from Daniel Weder the Single European Sky Innovation Award which skyguide received from the European Commission in March.

“This award is an incentive for us to do everything we can to further develop our well-positioned company to meet the challenges of the future,” said Bristol at the farewell to Daniel Weder.

Alex Bristol receives symbolically from Daniel Weder the keys to skyguide and the Single European Sky Award of the European Commission.