Geneva, 11 November 2024 – Pia Wertheimer will join the Skyguide media team in January 2025 as a new media spokesperson with a focus on French-speaking Switzerland.
At the beginning of 2025, Pia Wertheimer will take over the role of spokesperson for French-speaking Switzerland at Skyguide, previously among others held by Prisca Huguenin-dit-Lenoir, who – as previously communicated – is changing to the Migros Group. Vladi Barrosa will continue to contribute his extensive expertise in air navigation services and will remain spokesman for German-speaking Switzerland.
Pia Wertheimer is joining from the Tamedia Group, where she has worked since 2006 as a journalist, producer and deputy editorial director for various publications such as the Berner Zeitung, Tages-Anzeiger and Sonntagszeitung. Most recently, she was responsible for the topics of leisure sport and cycling as well as aviation. She grew up bilingual and speaks French, German and English.
“I am very pleased that with Pia we can welcome another competent spokesperson with an aviation background to our media team which covers five languages”, says Eva Maria Bieda, Chief Communications Officer Skyguide.