With WPML you can translate pages, posts, custom types, taxonomy, menus.

WPML is a plugin installed on the Skyguide CMS and allowing the entire site to be translated into 3 languages. This system is used throughout the CMS and this page will guide you in understanding its use.

Once connected to the CMS interface, the default language used is English. You can change the language by clicking in the menu and selecting German or French. This will change the interface and show you only the content posted in the selected language.

On the whole CMS, you will find a language management interface (Pages, posts, publications, etc …). We recommend that you write all content in English and then use the interface to duplicate content in other languages. Here are the options available:


When creating a new piece of content in English, you can either:

  1. Connect it to another already existing page written in a third language.
  2. Duplicate the content of the page in English in order to have a basis for the third language page.

We recommend that you use the duplication function to ensure perfect consistency of content between different languages and to avoid errors.

On the home page for managing pages, publications & articles, you will find a shortcut allowing you to directly access third-language page variants:

On the personalized interface for menus specific to the Skyguide site, such as menu management, translations are simplified with simple fields to manage translations: